Saturday, January 28, 2012

ARENA ONE: Slaverunners (Book #1 of the Survival Trilogy)

hi guys,

As a thank you for all your support, I want you all to be the first to know the title of Book #1 of my new trilogy:

ARENA ONE: Slaverunners (Book #1 of the Survival Trilogy)

I also want you to be the first to see the new jacket.

I'm happy to announce that the book will be released this Friday, February 3rd!

I'm also happy to announce that it's by far the longest of all my books, at nearly 90,000 words.

I'll be doing a limited giveaway (10 copies) to people on my mailing list. So if you haven't already, please visit the site ( and join the mailing list! And feel free to tell a friend!

Thanks so much for all your support!

Countdown: Just 6 days to go!

Best wishes,



  1. I absolutely love the cover and it's just in time for my birthday on the 5th, Awesome! Thanks for the post, now I really can't wait till the book comes out.

  2. If this series is anything like the 1st one, i cannot wait to read it.

  3. its a great cover i cant wait to start reading hopefully by March 3rd my birthday and hopefully book 8 will be released on or by then it would be my best wish goof luck christy76840@yahoo.c9m

  4. The cover looks amazing and I can't wait to read this new series you have started. I can only imagine its going to be as great or better than the Vampire Journals! I look forward to telling friends. Thanks for all the hard work and imagination you put into your books.


  5. Thanks so much, guys! I really appreciate the kind words! Thanks so much for all your support. Best wishes, Morgan

  6. When does book two come out?

  7. When is book two going to be out
